Attack Surface Intelligence
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Although the continuous increase in organizations' digital assets expands the attack surface, it is possible to dominate digital assets with the right attack surface management software. The right Attack Surface Management solution identifies the attack surfaces that organizations have, detects security threats on the attack surface, and provides recommendations for eliminating threats.

  • Discover your organization's external digital assets and continuously track them for security threats.
  • Be notified immediately when a new vulnerability is discovered on your assets.
  • Perform advanced anomaly detection on your digital assets.

What is Attack Surface Intelligence?

The attack surface in cybersecurity refers to potential vulnerabilities attackers can exploit to gain unauthorized access. Attack Surface Intelligence (EASM) is a cybersecurity service that helps organizations manage and protect these digital attack surfaces. EASM detects, analyzes, and manages assets in an organization's computing infrastructure. EASM addresses this issue by continuously monitoring and assessing digital assets, detecting security problems, and providing recommendations for mitigation. It utilizes various technologies, including vulnerability scanning tools, network scanners, web application security scanners, threat intelligence platforms, and artificial intelligence to achieve this.

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How External Attack Surface Intelligence Works?

All assets and systems within the organization that may be vulnerable to cyber attacks are identified through Asset Discovery studies. The identified attack surface is continuously monitored in the future and is recreated with up-to-date data in case of a change.

Once digital assets are identified, security vulnerabilities, configuration problems, information disclosures, and all situations that may pose current or future threats are identified through various security assessments. Detected security problems are presented to the organization with details and mitigation methods.

Each problem detected with digital assets increases the security risk for the organization. ThreatMon calculates the security risk score of an organization by taking all the security problems detected on its external attack surface into account. The scoring recalculates according to newly detected and remediated security vulnerabilities.

After the external attack surface of the organization is discovered, it can be viewed from a single place, providing full control over digital assets. In this way, attack points can be identified, and the attack surface can be easily managed.
Discover Cyber Assets & Monitor Identify Vulnerable Assets Score Digital Asset Risks Manage External Assets

ThreatMon Attack Surface Intelligence Key Features

External asset discovery
External asset discovery

ThreatMon scans externally accessible assets such as web applications, servers, cloud-hosted services, IP addresses and more to detect, monitor and manage organizations' externally accessible assets.

Continuous asset monitoring
Continuous asset monitoring

After the discovery process, ThreatMon monitors the attack surface to detect new vulnerabilities that may arise when the organization's infrastructure changes. This constant monitoring helps the organization maintain security by keeping abreast of current threats and changes.

Vulnerability management
Vulnerability management

ThreatMon notifies the organization of the security vulnerability it detects with a detailed description and offers various solutions to eliminate the vulnerability or mitigate its impact. In this way, it helps the organization to identify, analyze and manage security vulnerabilities.

Asset risk scoring
Asset risk scoring

Every security issue identified on digital assets amplifies the security risk faced by the organization. ThreatMon evaluates the organization's security risk by considering all identified security issues on the external attack surface. The risk scoring is continuously updated based on newly discovered vulnerabilities and resolved security issues.

Passive vulnerability scan
Passive vulnerability scan

ThreatMon performs Passive Vulnerability Scan on the discovered digital assets without blocking and disrupting the system operation, detects security vulnerabilities with a minimum false/positive rate, and notifies the relevant institution.

Continuous pentest
Continuous pentest

ThreatMon continuously scans the organization's digital assets with automated and manual penetration tests performed regularly. This constant testing and evaluation process allows the organization to identify and quickly respond to security vulnerabilities.

Dynamic real-time dashboard
Dynamic real-time dashboard

ThreatMon presents all attack surface intelligence activities to the end user in real-time and up-to-date through the ThreatMon dashboard. In this way, it strengthens the accuracy of security assessments with constantly updated data and provides the user with an area where they can follow it.

Mapping to MITRE ATT&CK
Mapping to MITRE ATT&CK

ThreatMon uses Mapping to MITRE ATT&CK to demonstrate how it covers or supports attack tactics and techniques in the Mitre ATT&CK Framework. This helps the organization strengthen its defenses against attacks.

Continuous Pentest & Red Teaming

Continuous Pentest & Red Teaming

The Continuous Pentest & Red Teaming service is an essential part of a comprehensive External Asset Security Management (EASM) security solution offered with the ThreatMon product. This service combines continuous pen-testing and red teaming to strengthen customers' information security and identify potential vulnerabilities.

  • Red teaming simulates attacks to test the organization's defense mechanisms and takes steps similar to the attacks in real-world scenarios. In this way, the organization can respond in real time to detect attacks and close security gaps.
  • Continuous pentesting performs automated and manual penetration tests to detect vulnerabilities continuously. These tests constantly scan the organization's digital assets and identify security vulnerabilities. Thus, the organization can identify points that may be more vulnerable to potential attacks and resolve them quickly.
  • The Continuous Pentest & Red Teaming service and the X-ASM product offer an effective combination to strengthen the organization's security defenses and continuously detect vulnerabilities. Customers become more resilient to attacks and can constantly improve their security policies.

Active Vulnerability Management​

Active Vulnerability Management is a core feature of the ThreatMon product and helps organizations manage vulnerabilities. This service enables the discovery, classification, and resolution of vulnerabilities with a proactive approach. With expertise and technological capabilities, organizations can better understand and address security vulnerabilities. ThreatMon provides information on new and unknown threats. Thus, organizations can take proactive measures and prevent cyber attacks.

  • The Active Vulnerability Management solution continuously monitors the organization's digital assets and identifies vulnerabilities through automated scans and manual audits. This process accelerates the discovery of vulnerabilities and increases resistance to potential attacks.
  • Active Vulnerability Management solution allows identified vulnerabilities to be prioritized and resolved quickly. The organization can effectively direct the security team's resources and prioritize critical vulnerabilities.
  • Active Vulnerability Management, together with the ThreatMon product, improves the organization's process of detecting and actively responding to vulnerabilities. Customers become more resilient to attacks and can increase their security by quickly resolving vulnerabilities.
Active Vulnerability Management
Extensive Integration with Your Tools

Extensive Integration with Your Tools

ThreatMon's integration capabilities with different security tools, management systems, and automation platforms provide customers with a comprehensive integration experience. Through these integrations, ThreatMon can automatically forward threats and incidents detected in customers' security infrastructure to other security tools. This feature enables customers to manage their security operations more effectively and react quickly.

  • Extensive Integration with Your Tools enables customers to transfer and update data from their security infrastructure through ThreatMon's API-based integration capabilities. This integration allows real-time information sharing and gives customers instant information about current threats.
  • This feature integrates with ThreatMon's management console. Users can monitor security status, generate reports, and track key metrics from one centralized point. The integrated tools are presented with rich analytics and visualization capabilities. They can have a broad perspective and make better-informed decisions.
  • The Extensive Integration feature enables organizations to optimize workflows and make security processes more efficient. Automatically synchronizing and updating data reduces manual processes and minimizes human errors. This feature saves time and resources and increases the effectiveness of security operations.

Holistic Product Approach for Better Security

ThreatMon is designed as an integrated product that covers the entire security process, not just one component. In this way, it offers all the tools organizations need on a single platform to discover, assess, manage, and protect vulnerabilities in one place.

All In One Platform
All-in-One Platform

ThreatMon provides the advantage of managing security processes from one central place. Organizations can work on a single platform without needing different tools and systems to discover, assess, manage, and protect vulnerabilities. This feature of the platform saves time and resources and increases efficiency.

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Dark Web Intelligence

ThreatMon proactively monitors threats that can affect the security of organizations' digital assets. This feature of ThreatMon includes risks such as malware, phishing attacks, data leaks, reputational damage, and more. ThreatMon provides customers with real-time threat information, enabling them to react quickly and minimize potential damage.

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Threat Intelligence

ThreatMon provides organizations with up-to-date information about new attack methods, malware, vulnerabilities, and other vulnerabilities that cybercriminals may use. Organizations can use this threat information to develop defense strategies and take preventive measures.

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Customer Reviews

“I appreciate ThreatMon's ability to provide organizations with a comprehensive view of external threats. Integrating Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) panel usage allows managed security service providers to offer their customers a holistic understanding of external threats."

- Technical Teams Manager

“Our institution, which holds a significant presence globally, relies on numerous outsourced services. Managing, tracking, and controlling these services has proven to be quite challenging.' However, with ThreatMon, we now seamlessly handle these tasks. ThreatMon conducts regular activities, investigates system vulnerabilities, detects and reports brand threats, and, most importantly, presents all findings user-friendly.”

- Information Systems Operation and Technical Support Manager

“ThreatMon consistently conducts thorough analysis and promptly reports the attack surfaces of our organization in response to external threats. Their cloud-based platform enables us to efficiently access and track data, facilitating effective threat monitoring and response.”

- Chief Information Technology Officer


The attack surface refers to all the potential points where a system or network could be vulnerable to an attack. The attack surface can encompass components such as computer networks, servers, workstations, mobile devices, cloud-based services, software applications, and IoT (Internet of Things) devices.

Attack surface Intelligence is a security approach used to identify, monitor, evaluate, and manage the attack surface of a system or network. This approach involves minimising the attack surface and reducing security vulnerabilities.

With the transition of organizations from traditional business processes to digital business processes, the number of digital assets is rapidly increasing, and the likelihood of their digital assets facing the risk of a cyberattack is also growing. This situation brings with it the need for continuous management and monitoring of digital assets. Organizations need security solutions that will manage these digital assets, continuously monitor them and generate threat reporting due to the constant increase in their digital assets and the emergence of new security problems every day.

Attack Surface Intelligence (ASM) can help organizations reduce their attack surfaces by identifying all assets and vulnerabilities, prioritizing them, implementing mitigation controls, and continuously monitoring the environment. By implementing ASM, organizations can reduce attack surfaces and improve their overall security posture.

Examples of attack surfaces vary depending on the specific system or network under consideration. These examples include network interfaces, web applications, operating systems, software applications, mobile devices, IoT devices, and cloud infrastructure.

Attack Surface Intelligence (ASM) is a proactive security approach that involves identifying, analyzing, and mitigating vulnerabilities in an organization's digital infrastructure. The process typically consists of Defining the scope, Inventorying, Mapping, Identifying vulnerabilities, Prioritizing, and Mitigating. Overall, ASM is an ongoing process that requires regular attention and updates to ensure the organization's digital infrastructure remains secure.

ThreatMon Blog

Discover our blog posts about cybersecurity by the ThreatMon expert team.

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The Importance of Attack Surface Intelligence for Organizations

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The free trial of ThreatMon allows users to explore the product's security benefits. During this trial period, you can test Threat Intelligence data, detect threats to your organization and recommend security measures.

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