Vulnerability Management

The ThreatMon platform ingests vulnerability data, prioritises exploitable vulnerabilities, enables remediation, and generates stakeholder reports.


What is the ThreatMon Approach to Vulnerability Management?

Vulnerability management is a process that aims to manage vulnerabilities in an organization's information systems effectively. This process involves identifying vulnerabilities, assessing their potential risk, and taking steps to mitigate or remediate them. It aims to minimize the organization's security risk and enhance its resilience against cyber threats. ThreatMon provides Vulnerability Management support to its customers. This process focuses on identifying, assessing, remediating, and continuously monitoring potential vulnerabilities in information systems, enabling client companies to address security issues on their digital assets. ThreatMon makes sense of the vulnerabilities identified through security analysts and automated processes and provides a detailed risk assessment to determine the potential risks of these vulnerabilities to the organization. This feature helps customers prioritize the most critical vulnerabilities.

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How does ThreatMon help with Vulnerability Management?

ThreatMon uses powerful automated security scanners to quickly identify potential and current vulnerabilities in client companies' information systems.

ThreatMon’s vulnerability remediation and prioritization transform an unorganized inventory of thousands of vulnerabilities into a prioritized list of those that are most exploited.

ThreatMon visualizes detected security problems, allowing you to make sense of information such as the entity where the vulnerability was detected, risk score, vulnerability impact, and mitigation methods.

ThreatMon provides and details mitigation and remediation methods to its customers to eliminate each vulnerability it detects.

ThreatMon continuously monitors its customers' digital coverage, keeping their security status up to date and notifying them immediately when new threats emerge.
Automate threat data collection Integrate your tools, teams, and workflows Get visibility into the latest threats Mitigate threats before they have an impact Integrate your tools, teams, and workflows

ThreatMon Vulnerability Management Key Features

Centralized Vulnerability Intelligence
Centralized Vulnerability Intelligence

ThreatMon helps organizations prepare more effectively against security threats by leveraging a large security database with Centralized vulnerability intelligence.

Static & dynamic malware analysis
Vulnerability Risk Scoring

ThreatMon calculates an organization's security risk score by taking into account all security issues detected in the external attack surface. In this way, it gives its customers an idea of the security risk rating.

Real-time Dashboard
Real-time Dashboard

ThreatMon comprehensively aggregates, displays, and tracks all activities, findings, and security statuses related to its customers' digital assets in real-time dashboards.

Threat-hunting rules
Continuous Security Monitoring

ThreatMon consistently observes the digital footprint of its clients, ensuring their security status remains current, and promptly alerts them upon the detection of emerging threats.

AI/ML-based threat intelligence
Regular Reporting

ThreatMon provides regular security status reports to its customers, assessing the impact of identified security problems, proposing solutions, and ensuring they are ready for potential risks.

External Asset Discovery & Monitoring
External Asset Discovery & Monitoring

ThreatMon conducts scans on externally accessible assets, including web applications, servers, cloud-hosted services, and IP addresses. The aim is to detect, monitor, and manage these assets effectively for organizations.

Security Remediation Strategies
Security Remediation Strategies

ThreatMon offers strategic reporting capabilities that provide valuable insights into regional and industry-specific threat trends. These reports help organizations understand the broader threat landscape and make informed decisions to enhance their security strategies.

Threat feeds / IOCs integration
Security Notification

ThreatMon sends you push notifications that you can customize according to your needs to inform you about security problems detected on your organization's digital assets.

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Holistic Product Approach for Better Security

ThreatMon is designed as an integrated product that covers the entire security process, not just one component. In this way, it offers all the tools organizations need on a single platform to discover, assess, manage, and protect vulnerabilities in one place.

All-in-One Platform
All-in-One Platform

ThreatMon provides the advantage of managing security processes from one central place. Organizations can work on a single platform without needing different tools and systems to discover, assess, manage, and protect vulnerabilities. This feature of the platform saves time and resources and increases efficiency.

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Dark Web Intelligence

ThreatMon proactively monitors threats that can affect the security of organizations' digital assets. This feature of ThreatMon includes risks such as malware, phishing attacks, data leaks, reputational damage, and more. ThreatMon provides customers with real-time threat information, enabling them to react quickly and minimize potential damage.

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Attack Surface Management

ThreatMon detects the external digital assets of the organization by performing active and passive scans on the entire internet. It then provides continuous monitoring of the identified external attack surface.

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Customer Reviews

“I appreciate ThreatMon's ability to provide organizations with a comprehensive view of external threats. Integrating Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) panel usage allows managed security service providers to offer their customers a holistic understanding of external threats."

- Technical Teams Manager

“Our institution, which holds a significant presence globally, relies on numerous outsourced services. Managing, tracking, and controlling these services has proven to be quite challenging.' However, with ThreatMon, we now seamlessly handle these tasks. ThreatMon conducts regular activities, investigates system vulnerabilities, detects and reports brand threats, and, most importantly, presents all findings user-friendly.”

- Information Systems Operation and Technical Support Manager

“ThreatMon consistently conducts thorough analysis and promptly reports the attack surfaces of our organization in response to external threats. The cloud-based platform they offer enables us to efficiently access and track data, facilitating effective threat monitoring and response.”

- Chief Information Technology Officer


Vulnerability refers to errors or weaknesses in the design, implementation, or configuration of a system that could compromise the security of the system.

Vulnerability management is an approach that aims to identify, assess, address, and continuously monitor security vulnerabilities in virtual systems. The goal is to identify and rectify security threats, ultimately improving the overall security posture of an organization. This process involves detecting vulnerabilities, assessing the impact of security weaknesses, implementing corrective measures (remediation), and conducting ongoing monitoring.

Vulnerability management comprises four steps: identifying vulnerabilities in systems through automated scanning tools and manual tests, assessing and prioritizing the severity and potential impact of identified vulnerabilities, implementing corrective measures to address vulnerabilities, and communicating findings, actions taken, and overall security status to relevant stakeholders through regular reports.

A threat can exploit a flaw in the design or configuration of a system, compromising its security. This flaw is known as a vulnerability. Risk arises from the potential for loss, harm, or damage resulting from a threat exploiting a vulnerability. Threat is any potential danger or circumstance that could exploit a vulnerability and cause harm.

Vulnerability Management covers the entire security lifecycle, from vulnerability detection to assessment, remediation, and reporting. Vulnerability Assessment, on the other hand, focuses only on detecting vulnerabilities at a specific point, usually at a specific time.

ThreatMon performs security vulnerability assessments & management on your organization's domains, subdomains, IP addresses, web applications, open ports, cloud assets, technologies used, SSL certificates, and all other digital assets open to the outside world.

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The free trial of ThreatMon allows users to explore the product's security benefits. During this trial period, you can test Threat Intelligence data, detect threats to your organization and recommend security measures.

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