Sensitive Information

Expose_php Information Disclosure Discovered



Expose_php is a PHP configuration setting and is turned on by default. This setting controls whether or not to show PHP version information in web server responses. This means that with expose_php turned on, an attacker may have a chance to learn the PHP version of the website.

This information can be a potential target for attackers. Knowing a specific PHP version lets attackers exploit vulnerabilities and create tailored system attacks.

To reduce this risk, you can turn off the expose_php setting. This hides the PHP version information of the web server, preventing attackers from using this information.


The discovery of Expose_PHP information disclosure can have various impacts on the security of web applications. Here are the key impacts resulting from the exposure of PHP information:

  • Exposing PHP information allows potential attackers to gain insights into the underlying server environment, including the PHP version, server software, and other sensitive details. Attackers can leverage this information to identify vulnerabilities and launch targeted attacks.
  • Armed with knowledge about the PHP version and server software, attackers can search for known vulnerabilities and exploits specific to that version. This situation increases the likelihood of successful exploitation and unauthorized access to the application or server.
  • Exposing PHP information can unintentionally reveal sensitive details like server paths, configuration settings, or database credentials. Attackers can then exploit this information to compromise the application or launch additional attacks.


To mitigate the risks associated with Expose_PHP information disclosure, consider implementing the following mitigation strategies:

  • Ensure to turn off the Expose_PHP directive in the PHP configuration settings. Turning off this directive prevents PHP information from being exposed in server responses.
  • Regularly review the codebase and configuration files to ensure no sensitive information, such as server paths or credentials, is inadvertently exposed. Remove or obfuscate any unnecessary information that could aid attackers.
  • Keep the PHP version up to date with the latest stable release. Regularly apply security patches and updates to address any known vulnerabilities and improve the overall security of the PHP environment.
  • Implement additional security measures on the web server, such as strict file permissions, secure server configurations, and regular security audits.





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